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Trading in 


Adelaide Hills

Important Notice

I trade at the Adelaide Hills Farmers Market on the 1st and 3rd Saturday each month

 Trading in Mann St Mt Barker SA

next trading dates


November 16th 

December 7th & 21st



A bit about Farmhouse Pantry

My business is based on the belief that when you have a gluten intolerance  you should be able to find good food to eat.  

You can feel confident that my food is all "gluten free" made in a dedicated gluten free environment.

For  delicious taste, great texture and to maintain moisture in my food I use eggs and nuts where you may not expect to find them. If you have allergies to these foods please be aware of this fact. Including dairy free ice creams,  gluten free bread Adelaide hills.


where to find me

I trade at

  • Adelaide Hills Farmers Market, Mann Street, Mt Barker  1st and 3rd Saturday of the month mornings 8.30am to 12.30pm. 

  • alternate pick up can be arranged Eg from farm near Macclesfield SA


  For More Information
Phone 83889467

Or Send An Email to

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